Platform engineering has quickly gained traction within IT organizations. It’s fast becoming an established practice for DevOps, as shown in research conducted by Techstrong Research for CloudBees. Platform engineering is very much here to stay and fully 83% of survey respondents are in some phase of implementation.
In this on demand webinar you will learn:
What platform engineering is and why you should care about it
How organizations are measuring success
The drivers that are motivating IT organizations to adopt platform engineering
How platform engineering reduces developer cognitive load and enables DevOps teams to go even faster
What is in store for platform engineering in the next 12 to 18 months
Watch this webinar recording and find out how platform engineering can benefit your DevOps practice!
Key Takeaways:
Platform engineering practices will increase DevEx
Platform engineering complements DevOps - it does not replace DevOps
Platform engineering will enable standardization across teams and processes