Maximize Your DevOps Potential with CloudBees: Get the Latest 2024 Forrester TEI Study Now!

Enhance your software delivery and boost efficiency with insights from the recent Forrester Total Economic Impact™ Study commissioned by CloudBees.

Discover how a composite organization with a large developer base achieved a significant 426% ROI. Learn how to drive operational excellence and cost savings for your business.

Key Highlights of CloudBees Impact for the composite organization:

  • Return on Investment: A significant 426% ROI over three years

  • Cost Savings: A net present value of $30.9 million with total savings over $46 million in three years

  • Reduced Development Outages: Developer hours lost due to outages decreased by 99%

  • Streamlined Deployment: Automated predeployment processes saving more than $27.5 million over three years

Learn the game-changing benefits of CloudBees, from reduced outages to deployment automation. Uncover advantages like improved product quality, innovation, and user experience.

Get the top tools and strategies to scale your CI/CD workloads and maintain productivity. Ditch frequent outages and manual predeployment processes. Elevate your DevOps approach with the CloudBees Platform, and take control of your organization's destiny. Download the Forrester TEI Study!

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