CloudBees Jenkins Platform available on Microsoft Azure Marketplace
We are delighted to announce the immediate availability of CloudBees Jenkins Platform 15.05 on the Microsoft Azure Marketplace.
The two components of CloudBees Jenkins Platform , CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise and CloudBees Jenkins Operations Center, are available as products in the Azure marketplace on a Bring Your On License mode with a free trial. You can seamlessly provision your virtual machines of Jenkins controllers and Operations Centers with these Azure marketplace products.
CloudBees Jenkins Platform on Azure Marketplace
Virtual Machines Specifications
CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise and CloudBees Jenkins Operations Center Azure Marketplace images are built with the following components:
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr)
OpenJDK 8
Installed as a Debian package from the "ppa:openjdk-r/ppa" repository
CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise (resp CloudBees Jenkins Operations Center)
Installed as a Debian package
Running as a SystemD service
Listening on port 8080 (resp 8888)
JENKINS_HOME set to "/var/lib/jenkins"
Installed as a Debian package from the "ppa:git-core/ppa" repository
Installed as a Debian package from the "ppa:vbernat/haproxy-1.5" repository
Listening on port 80 and forwarding to the Jenkins process (port 8080 resp. 8888)
Capable of listening on HTTPS:443 if configured(docs here)
SSH connection
Listen on port 22
User account created by the Azure platform during the provisioning of the VM according to the username and password or ssh key defined in Azure Portal. This user has "sudo" privileges. CloudBees recommends to use SSH keys rather than password ; if password is required, CloudBees recommend to use a password with at least 20 random chars
Security and maintenance of the servers
Firewall: firewall rules are defined in Azure Management Portal. CloudBees recommends to restrict access (inbound rules) from I limited IP Range, not allowing "all the internet" to access to the VM ; this is particularly important for the SSH and HTTP (non secured, non HTTPS) protocols.
OS Administrators are invited to frequently apply security fixes on the operating system of the VM ("sudo apt-get update" then "sudo apt-get upgrade")
Jenkins Administrators are invited to frequently apply upgrade the Jenkins plugins and the Jenkins Core through Jenkins administration console
Jenkins Administrator are invited to secure their Jenkins server enabling Authentication and Authorization on their newly created instances
Jenkins Administrators are invited to connect agent node to the Jenkins controllers according to the needs of the project teams (CentOS, Ubuntu, Redhat Enterprise Linux, Windows Server...) and to disable builds on the controllers
Jenkins Administrators are invited to frequently backup the Jenkins data (aka JENKINS_HOME) using the CloudBees Backup Plugin and/or doing a backup of the VM File System through Azure Compute service
CloudBees Jenkins Platform is distributed on the Microsoft Azure Marketplace on a Bring Your Own License mode. You can provision your Virtual Machines with the marketplace images and then enter your license details or start a free evaluation.
Screencast: Installing CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise on Microsoft Azure
This screencast shows how to install a CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise VM on Microsoft Azure using the Azure Marketplace. The installation of CloudBees Jenkins Operations Center is similar, you just have to choose CloudBees Jenkins Operations Center instead of CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise in the marketplace.
More Resources
CloudBees Jenkins Platform15.05 announce
CloudBees Jenkins Platform on Microsoft Azure Marketplace
Cyrille Le Clerc
Director, Product Management