Continuous Discussions (#c9d9): Episode 21 Recap – Implementing a DevOps Culture

Written by: Electric bee

devops-cultureDevOps is first and foremost a mindset . While encompassing tools and processes as well, any DevOps initiative must begin  with a cultural change. 90 of all DevOps initiatives without a culture component fail, and culture is not easily or quickly changed. On this morning's #c9d9 episode we asked our panelists to share their views on the most crucial component to any DevOps transformation:  How do you foster a culture conducive of DevOps? How do you create an environment based on mutual respect, experimentation and disciplined freedom? Watch the recording below to learn tips, best practices, and real-world examples for how organizations navigate the cultural shift to Agile, DevOps & Continuous Delivery - from the leadership's perspective, as well as at the teams' level. How do you facilitate silo-busting and system-level thinking? how do you encourage experimentation? support a blameless culture, constant practice for game-day, and more.

Watch the Replay of this episode:

This episode features:

Aaron LeeAaron Lee VP of Transformation Services at Pythian. DevOps practitioner committed to creating successful business outcomes for clients. @observator |
alon beckerAlon Becker DevOps Architect at AOL. Alon is involved in DevOps transformation at several companies, both Start Ups and Enterprises. @alonbecker |
Mike KavisMike Kavis VP/PrincipaI Architect @ CloudTP Analyst at Forbes & The Virtualization Practice. Author of Architecting the Cloud. No hype, just lessons learned. @madgreek65 |
Randy BiasRandy Bias Randy Bias, VP Technology, EMC former founder of Cloudscaling (acquired by EMC) and Director at the OpenStack Foundation. @randybias |
Robert KalweitRobert Kalweit Certified ScrumMaster with 7 yrs experience and an agile mindset that helps to execute tasks efficiently, on time and with personal heartiness.




On the next episode of Continuous Discussions:




Episode 22: The Transformative Benefits of DevOps and CD - with Gene Kim

Join us - and Gene Kim - on July 28  to discuss real-world examples of the benefits of DevOps & CD for large enterprises across different industries. Add the event to your calendar » This episode will feature:

gene kimGene Kim DevOps enthusiast, researcher and co-author of the best-selling book “The Phoenix Project: A Novel About IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win,” and the founder of IT Revolution. @RealGeneKim |
vincent-thavonekhamVincent Thavonekham Deeply involved in DevOps and Agility, Vincent has met few times Jeff Sutherland and Alistair Cockburn, and authored definitions such as the ‘Scrum Pattern’ @vthavo |

Add the event to your calendar »

Continuous Discussions (#c9d9) is a bi-weekly series. See all episdoes here .

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