Some months ago I was in contact with Philip Johnson helping him on his first steps on the platform. He was using CloudBees for educational purposes and he created this fantastic guide which illustrates how to do CI with GitHub, CloudBees and the Play Framework.
This guide cover the following points:
Overview of One Time Configuration (OTC)
Set up your GitHub account and host your Play application
Set up your CloudBees account and create a sample Play application
Configure CloudBees Jenkins plugins
Tell GitHub your CloudBees public key
Overview of Per Project Configuration (PPC)
Prime the CloudBees pipeline
Make CloudBees Jenkins job point to GitHub repo
Configure build trigger
Test your continuous integration and deployment
Automate quality assurance tool invocation
I am sure that you will find this information really useful.
Remember, that you still have available our official Play Framework documentation, which is maintained by our engineer Michael Neale.
Felix Belzunce
Support Engineer