HTTPS access for cloudbees git repos now available

Written by: Michael Neale

For some time we have only offered SSH access to the CloudBees git repos (what we call "the forge") - these are git repos that are hosted by CloudBees (generally private repos) and you get them for free.

A common request from users was to provide https access - well now it is available. Initially this was requested by Windows users (many toolchains on windows don't make ssh as easy to use as it is on linux/unix) - but after a quick informal twitter survey - many people use https when interacting with GitHub (it is actually the default there for all repos - you can override it for your account, of course). Sometimes due to convenience, or firewall policies in organisations.

Anyway - you use it like this (just go to any repo in your CloudBees account):

The bottom line shows the https URL to use - this will work with any git tool - even CLI.

This feature was brought to you by bribing @benwalding with a case of beer (the case of beer was accidentally borrowed by someone else, but then another was furnished, allowing Ben to complete this feature some time back). Good Guy Ben.

There are a bevvy of git clients for those who aren't really fans of CLIs check out this list here .

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