Instant AngularJS Starter - brief book review

Written by: Michael Neale

Recently I was given a copy of the "Instant AngularJS starter " book from Packt publishing for review.

Not being an AngularJS expert myself (I know about how it hangs together, how to build and test, but not how commonly apps are build) - I thought it would be a great place to start to learn.

This book starts of with the obligatory "hello world" single page example - showing how nicely Angular can scale down to small apps, how simple the tool chain can be, but quickly dives into a more serious MVC app, with multiple files, models, templates and all the rest.

The MVC app is a Guidebook application using local HTML5 storage (a recurring theme of the book, and indeed AngularJS, is the use of standard HTML5 features, and HTML constructs to hang your app together).

It is a nice and short-ish book, 66 odd pages, but a great size to follow along if you like to learn that way, without taking up too much of your time. I know myself that I tend to learn more if I actually type in examples - and you could certainly do that this way with this book.

Anyway - if you think AngularJS could be your next thing - it is a small book worth taking a look at - and we can give you a discount code giving 40% off.

Discount code: AngularJSeBook@40%off

Don't forget there is also the CloudBees AngularJS clickstart - testing is baked into Angular JS from the start (I wish the book talked more about this type of testing, but in some ways you get it for free when you use Angular) but at least the clickstart will get you started there without too much trouble.

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