Jenkins X - Specify Your Own Builder Within A Pipeline

Written by: Oscar Medina

1 min read

There may be times when a Jenkins X Builder does not have the correct language version your app requires. How do you handle that? In this tutorial, I walk you through one of two ways you can specify your own builder image with the right language version.

In this tutorial, we are walking through the process of deploying a NodeJS app which requires a specific NodeJS version. We first run the app with the default Jenkins X Builder, and find that it fails due to the version of NodeJS the out of the box builder has. We walk through specifying the custom builder image and run the app through the pipeline again, at which point we have successfully overridden the Build Stage with our own, and specified 2 new steps, which for the purpose of this tutorial, only show the NodeJS version in the output.


@SharePointOscar | Developer Advocate Jenkins X

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