Meet the Bees: Kiley Nichols

Written by: Georgiana Patru

3 min read

Making Marketing Magic

Meet Kiley Nichols, senior demand generation manager in Massachusetts

As a lifelong learner, Kiley Nichols is always looking for problems to solve. In her role as senior demand generation manager, Kiley tests things in a new and exciting way – a perfect fit for her driven personality. "I’m always reading and wanting to figure out new things,” she says. Kiley recently embraced the opportunity to apply agile marketing tactics - applying aspects of agile or DevOps methodology to marketing. This has meant more frequent, quick tests. With this shift, Kiley is building on new technologies and new ways of thinking through Drift certification and taking agile marketing courses. "That’s exciting to me because it means you get to learn a little bit about a lot of things and then continue learning to determine if it’s successful.”

Building on this constant state of learning, Kiley and her team are opening an exciting chapter for CloudBees. "That’s really what agile methodology is supposed to do – cultivate innovation.” With innovation as her guide post, Kiley takes the lead and challenges the status quo. “We can’t linger on what we’re doing in the present,” Kiley says. "We need to be asking, ‘How can we innovate – try something new, something different, maybe something we completely made up on our own – to get what we want?’” 

Moving through marketing

Before her current position, Kiley was working in PR content marketing. "Previously, I focused on the content creation and messaging – more of the ‘words’ part of it,” she says. But, Kiley realized she wanted to move toward a more integrated marketing role. "When I moved into this new role, I got to work closely with other folks within demand generation. I’m thankful I got an early opportunity to demonstrate that I could do so many things. It certainly helped me get to where I am today.”

Now, Kiley runs demand generation for CloudBees CI – the company’s flagship product. While she says her previous content marketing job introduced her to many of her peers, she wasn’t as connected with the customer service and sales teams at CloudBees. Now, she’s establishing those relationships so she can drive effective demand generation campaigns. With BDR and sales leadership as her primary internal customer, Kiley is in regular contact with these teams so they are fully aligned to ensure what she’s producing is working for sales. 

They key to those relationships? Transparency. "We have a really transparent relationship,” Kiley says. "When it comes to working through problems and providing solutions, transparency has been a saving grace.”

Fortunately, Kiley says, transparency is more than a quality shared by a few "Bees.” It’s ubiquitous among "the Hive” – especially when it comes to being open and genuine. “I remember telling everybody on day two that I was a 'lifer.’ I just loved how welcoming and inclusive everyone was. Everyone was so real.” For Kiley, seeing this reflected in-person – not just in the interview – gave her tremendous optimism from the very start. 

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