So you use views in Jenkins in to organize jobs. And you have pages and pages of views on your Jenkins dashboard separating jobs. Maybe you are an old-school kind of fella who likes to sweat it out or you are like my gammy (who is a bit behind on technology).
For everyone else, there is the Folders plugin from CloudBees. The Folders plugin allows you to create folders (duh) - nested folders (to be precise). Add jobs to those folders - jobs are namespace aware (so Job A in Folder A is different than Job A in Folder B) - not doable with views and a major pain for admins everywhere.
Folders themselves can have views - so it's all goodness all around.
If you are a power user, set roles-based permissions on folders (use CloudBees Roles-Based Access Control plugin). For example: a folder called "project gammy" has the role "family" accessing jobs in it.
And did I mention the plugin is free - available from the Jenkins Update Center (search for "CloudBees Free Enterprise plugins") so gammy can use the dollars saved to buy some drugs (the legal ones I mean).
Over the next few days - I will blog about other Enterprise plugins given away for free from CloudBees. If you are impatient for more details - click here .
PPS: We have fixed the issue mentioned below.
PS: We have found an issue with the licensing component (the one that gets you a free login on CloudBees) with Jenkins 1.474. We are looking into a fix, earlier versions should work fine.
Harpreet Singh