CloudBees Release Orchestration SaaS Announces Platform Availability of JFrog Integrations for Artifactory, Xray and Pipelines at the JFrog swampUP 2021 Event
CloudBees Release Orchestration SaaS (formerly ReleaseIQ) announced today its platform support for key JFrog products to accelerate software delivery and increase productivity. JFrog Artifactory stores and manages binaries throughout the development cycle, and through its replication capabilities keeps international teams on equal ground with the exact same components and dependencies. JFrog Xray deep-scans all components, builds and dependencies for vulnerabilities and license violations, providing policy alerts based on a wide variety of parameters.
By Integrating with the JFrog Artifactory, X-ray and JFrog Pipelines, the CloudBees Release Orchestration SaaS platform enables organizations, regardless of where they are in their DevOps journey, to advance their DevOps practice leveraging almost any existing processes and CI/CD tool chains.
These integrations were announced during JFrog’s recent swampUP 2021 event.