Dear CloudBees Users,
We've just updated our Terms of Service (ToS).
The previous ToS dated from 2010-2011. Consequently, most of the changes focus on better describing our current platform offering and our business model. Both are much more complete than they were three years ago. We also took the opportunity to add language to help prevent several (thankfully, rare) cases of service abuse that we have observed from time to time.
Let us know if you have any questions or comments. You can comment directly on this blog, or send an email to infoATcloudbees dotcom.
Sacha Labourey
Sacha Labourey is the former CTO of JBoss, Inc. He became co-general manager of middleware after the acquisition of JBoss by Red Hat. He ultimately left Red Hat in April 2009 and founded CloudBees in April 2010. Follow Sacha on Twitter.