Workflow 1.2

Written by: jglick

I have just released version 1.2 of the Jenkins Workflow plugin suite. There are a number of bug fixes and several new features listed in the changelog .

The most visible new feature is that you can now load your while Workflow Groovy script from a file in an SCM repository (Git, Subversion, etc.) before it is run. Previously you needed to have at least a few lines of “bootstrap” code in the Jenkins job definition to check out the repository and load a file from it. To use this new mode, just select Groovy CPS DSL from SCM when defining your flow.

Another handy feature is the waitUntil step. You can use this to let your flow sleep for a while awaiting some kind of external event, such as the appearance of some file in the workspace, or a particular status code from a network server.

The Docker demo has also been updated to include the 1.2 plugins, and now loads the whole script from SCM.

Jesse Glick

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