CloudBees Privacy Policy

Last published on 01 July 2024

Privacy Policy

I. What CloudBees does

CloudBees (“CloudBees”, “We”, “Us”, “Our”) is a for-profit vendor of software solutions, primarily sold to organizations. We generate our revenue by charging for the functions and value of the solutions that we offer to our customers (“Customers”, “You”).

CloudBees is not in the business of collecting or monetizing personal information.

II. How we use personal information

We respectfully use appropriate personal information in order to market, sell, deliver, and support the solutions that we offer. 

We collect only the personal information that is necessary for the marketing, selling, delivery, and support of our solutions. 

We do not sell or share the information we collect with 3rd parties, except under the following circumstances: we may share information with limited reputable partners involved in the direct selling of our solutions, solely for the purpose of facilitating these sales. We may share information with vendors who provide information management solutions to us, which are used under our strict control and direction.   We ensure that these 3rd parties adhere to stringent data protection standards to safeguard your information.

We use standard industry practices to maintain the confidentiality and security of the information we collect.

We will only retain your personal information for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Privacy Notice and in line with CloudBees Data Processing Agreement, Subscription and Service Agreement and Data Retention Standard. 

We may use personal data, with your consent, for specific purposes as outlined in this privacy policy. Where consent is relied upon as a lawful basis for processing, explicit consent will be obtained prior to the processing of your personal data. You may withdraw your consent for the specific purpose or object to the processing of your personal data at any time.

If we make any changes to our privacy policy, we will update the date at the top of this page. If we have made any significant changes, we shall post a notice on our trust page. We may also provide notification via email of any material changes.

The specific information that we collect and how we use it reflects the nature of your relationship with us. 


If you are a prospective or current customer (or channel partner) of CloudBees, we: 

  • Ask for your contact information in marketing and product registration forms in order to promote and provide our solutions to you

  • Create a contact record for you in our customer relationship management (CRM) and product systems

  • Ask for and store the explicit information about your product interests, such as through marketing forms

  • Obtain your business identity and profile from business directories (such as LinkedIn) for marketing purposes, even if you have not provided that information to us directly

  • Send to you by email information about our solutions

  • Contact you by phone for sales assistance and customer support

  • Set browser cookies on our web properties in order to recognize you as a repeat visitor and to provide you with access to our solutions

  • Capture your browsing history on our web properties to understand your interest in our solutions

  • Capture the history of the emails we send to you in order to better provide you information about our solutions

  • Capture email, chat, and phone conversations between you and our sales and support representatives in order to understand your interest in our solutions and to better provide information about them

  • Capture how you use the technical functions of our products

  • Share your information with limited reputable partners who sell our solutions on our behalf or provide to us information management solutions used under our control

If you are an employee, vendor, or contractor, we will also collect and process your data in accordance with the applicable contractual and legal rules.

III. CloudBees status

When providing its products and services CloudBees is not a Processor according to GDPR (European Union General Data Protection Regulation). Our systems, employees, and affiliates do not access personal information collected by our customers even when that information may be contained in customer applications managed using CloudBees solutions under the control of customers.

CloudBees is a Controller of limited non-sensitive personal information according to GDPR, for the expressly legitimate purposes of direct marketing, selling, delivering, and supporting our solutions. 

IV. Your personal rights and abilities

Not provide your personal information

You do not have to provide us your personal information if you do not intend to have a business relationship with us.

If you are interested in obtaining resources on our website that are protected by a registration form, you can provide a business email address, an alternative personal email address (used only to communicate with businesses), a single-use (“burner”) email address, and a fake email address. We encourage you to provide your real identity to us as a reputable business so that we can offer you our solutions. But you can still obtain our public resources if you prefer to remain anonymous.

If you are interested in using our free solutions that require registration, you can provide a business email address or an alternative personal email address (used only to communicate with businesses). A valid email address is required in order to use our solutions. 

Right to Be informed on how data will be used and the purposes 

You can request us to tell you if we have a record for you, for any of your identities (email addresses), and what information we have for you. 

You can request us to tell you why we have a record for you. 

Object to our capture of your personal information

You can express your objections to any part of how we handle your information and expect an explanation of it from us.

Correct or delete your personal information

You can request us to correct your information (such as your name, phone number, and address). You can also request us to delete your information in our records that is not necessary for us to provide a service to you (such as your personal phone number) or to adhere to applicable laws. 

Export your personal information

You can request us to provide an export of the information we have for you, if it is technically feasible for us and if this information is essential for you. 

Prevent tracking of your website activities

Our cookie management tool by default does not include tracking cookies. Furthermore, you can prevent our tracking of your web activities on our websites by disabling cookies, clearing cookies, and through other privacy controls built into web browsers and on our website. 

Opt out from our marketing and selling to you

You can request that we do not contact you for the purpose of selling our solutions. All our general written communication includes an option to unsubscribe.

File a complaint

You have the right to lodge a complaint with a data protection authority. If you are in the European Union, you can identify the specific authority where to file a complaint at

V. Our business needs and obligations

Adhere to laws

We will follow all applicable national and local laws that may require us to collect and retain personal information. 

Fulfill our contracts

If you interact with us as a representative of an organization, our obligations to the organization (such as a contract to deliver a solution) may override your individual preferences. For example, our contract with your organization may require that we retain full records of all conversations between us and the organization’s employees even if those conversations may contain information of personal nature. No audio or video recording shall take place without obtaining prior consent.

Capture and retain records of business contacts 

As a business, we have a need to capture and retain the basic identities (name, email address, employer) of all people who have interacted with us in business matters. 

Capture and retain records of business transactions

As a business, we have a need to capture and retain to the fullest extent the contractual, financial, and service transaction records, such as order forms, billing records, product configuration changes, service requests and cases. 

Capture and retain records of business conversations

As a business, we have a need to capture and retain the conversations (emails, chats, cases, comments) by all people who have interacted with us in business matters. 

Capture product use activities

As a business, we have a need to capture how our products are used at a granular level, for the purpose of understanding their performance, value and how to improve them. 

Contact account contacts and product users with important or relevant information

As a business, we have a need to provide product information to our users for multiple purposes, such as to ensure the correct use of our products or to promote new features and functionalities. 

VI. Our obligations to you and expectations of you

You should expect that we: 

  • Are respectful of your desire to protect your privacy

  • Do not collect the information that we do not need in order to offer our solutions to you, as could be reasonably expected (such as your social, biometric, and other non-business information)

  • Are considerate in our communication with you

  • Can provide an explanation for why we have collected or are using your information

  • Keep your information secure and confidential

  • Do not sell or trade your information

On our part, we expect that you: 

  • Understand that we seek to sell our solutions to organizations and individuals who demonstrate interest in or a potential need of them

  • Understand what we have regulatory and contractual obligations in our handling of personal information (such as to your employer if you are representing an organization)

  • Protect your privacy as is possible through means under your own direct control, such as through browser privacy settings and not providing your personal information to us if it is not necessary

VII. How to contact us regarding privacy matters

If you are a customer of CloudBees - for a paid, free, or trial version of any of our products - you should contact the CloudBees Customer Support.

If you are not a current customer of CloudBees, but have concerns about privacy in relation to CloudBees, you can contact us at

We will respond either with the information and actions that you have requested, or with an explanation of why we cannot perform it as requested, or with questions to you to confirm or clarify your request.