CloudBees Launches CloudBees DevOptics, Delivering Unparalleled DevOps Team Insights and Collaboration

New offering focuses on providing feedback about hidden bottlenecks and pitfalls in Jenkins-based continuous delivery streams, enabling pipeline process optimization and predictable software delivery

SAN FRANCISCO, CA. – JENKINS WORLD – AUGUST 30, 2017 - CloudBees, Inc. , the hub of enterprise Jenkins and DevOps, today announced CloudBees DevOptics, the only solution available to provide insights into the end-to-end application delivery stream, creating a holistic view of the software delivery process. With this valuable insight, organizations can now increase collaboration, identify ROI from DevOps initiatives and optimize their DevOps investments.

Despite investments in agile methodologies and tools, enterprises have difficulty measuring ROI and optimizing investments in DevOps initiatives. CloudBees DevOptics aggregates live data from software pipelines to help derive essential metrics and insights into a holistic view of application delivery. It creates context between teams, applications and tools to identify ROI, improvements and increase collaboration.

“Temenos is helping 41 of the world’s top 50 financial institutions with their digital transformation and we are proud of our commitment and investment to continuous improvement of our software delivery lifecycle,” said Benjamin Williams, director, product engineering services, Temenos. “CloudBees DevOptics has the potential to provide critical insight into and across our complex continuous delivery pipelines to help us effectively guide our improvement initiatives and optimize our delivery capability.”

Key Benefits of CloudBees DevOptics:

  • Provides a single source of truth: CloudBees DevOptics collects and correlates data across software delivery pipelines into a comprehensive live view, creating a single point of reference on the status of application delivery. Users can reduce time wasted in getting project status updates through endless release meetings and checklists.

  • Identifies Improvements: Users have end-to-end visibility into enterprise-wide software delivery value streams with the capability to drill down to individual commits, allowing them to identify failed jobs, bottlenecks in the process and critical downstream dependencies. With this insight, every stage of the delivery process can be optimized.

  • Enables collaboration: CloudBees DevOptics captures build events directly from development systems, thereby reducing guesswork and cycles in identifying causes of blockages and delays. Accurate information on jobs helps teams answer who, what, where and when so they can collaborate on corrective actions.

  • Assess DevOps productivity: CloudBees DevOptics enables users to**** derive metrics from across the entire delivery processes. Users can create benchmarks to determine the best performing teams while identifying poor resource allocations.

“DevOps has clearly gained tremendous adoption as the way to deliver software faster and align IT to the needs of the business. However, despite the investments made in DevOps, enterprises do not fully experience the benefits. This is because there is a lack of visibility in software delivery processes that inhibits making informed decisions," said Harpreet Singh, vice president of products, CloudBees. “CloudBees is in a unique position to solve this challenge, because we connect with an ecosystem of DevOps tools and therefore have the data to assemble the end-to-end software delivery picture. With CloudBees DevOptics, organizations can measure, analyze and manage DevOps, revolutionizing how teams collaborate and, ultimately, optimize software delivery.”

About CloudBees
CloudBees is the hub of enterprise Jenkins and DevOps, providing companies with smarter solutions for automating software development and delivery. CloudBees starts with Jenkins, the most trusted and widely-adopted continuous delivery platform, and adds enterprise-grade security, scalability, manageability and expert-level support. By making the software delivery process more productive, manageable and hassle-free, CloudBees puts companies on the fastest path to transforming great ideas into great software and returning value to the business more quickly.

Backed by Matrix Partners, Lightspeed Venture Partners and Verizon Ventures, CloudBees was founded in 2010 by former JBoss CTO Sacha Labourey and an elite team of continuous integration, continuous delivery and DevOps professionals. Follow CloudBees onTwitter , Facebook , LinkedIn and Google+ .

Media Contact:
Katelyn Campbell
PAN Communications