CloudBees Newsletter February: Technical Tuesdays

Discover the latest technical content from CloudBees in our Technical Tuesdays series. Stay up to date with the latest advancements and insights in the world of technology.

Technical Tuesday, February 2024 Edition

Welcome to Technical Tuesday where we will share some buzz-worthy highlights and give you updates on the latest items we have released over the past month!  From How to videos, webinars, docs, and blogs- check out what’s happening in the hive at CloudBees.

For this love filled month - we want to thank you for coming here and catching up on the latest updates at CloudBees.

Valentines for you!

You are the semicolon; of my code.
I think our relationship is ready for SCRIPT/ production.
• You’ve got the encryption key to my heart.
• Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, Unexpected “)” online 32.

Java Java Everywhere!

  • CloudBees CI now supports Java 17 with version 2.440.1.1 (Feb release).

  • Java 11 EoL is in October of 2024

  • We will post a video on “Upgrading CloudBees CI Java Version From 11 to 17” on our CloudBeesTV channel on Feb 28th.


CloudBees CI Brings Even More UPTIME for Your Build Services

Don’t let downtime and long MTTR bring you...down. 

With high availability now supporting rolling upgrades, rolling restarts, and hibernation - you’ll keep those CI services up - even during upgrades, and put them to sleep (saving costs when not in use) with hibernation.

Services stay up when needed, you save money when not.

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Join the CloudBees Community on Slack

We recently launched our Slack community for the CloudBees platform and are inviting YOU to join the discussion. Ask questions, provide feedback, get notified of new features, network with peers, and more.

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It's February, and I'm out of puns and valentines, so let’s get straight to brushing up on your Jenkins skills!

CloudBees CI is built on Jenkins and targeted for enterprise-sized customers. Whether you are enterprise-sized or not, keep up on those Jenkins skills! Here are a few binge-worthy How-To videos to keep your skill level up.


How To Deploy a WAR File to Tomcat Using a Jenkins Pipeline


How To Use MegaLinter With Jenkins


Demystifying the Jenkins Parent POM for libraries and core components

Give me more!

Blogs, Webinars, and other buzziness you may have missed this month


Setting and Using Preconfigured Actions in CloudBees Platform

By creating preconfigured actions with necessary credentials and settings, developers can seamlessly utilize these actions without directly handling sensitive information like secrets or tokens.


Interpreting Software Delivery Activity Within The CloudBees Platform

This report helps software development teams and engineering managers optimize their workflows, identify and troubleshoot issues quickly, and improve the quality of their software.

On-Demand Webinar

Platform Engineering On-Demand Webinar

Join CloudBees and AWS panelists chatting about the rise of Platform Engineering. Gain a deep understanding of the principles of platform engineering, and best practices for getting started.

Read our January Newsletter

Explore the captivating highlights of CloudBees from our January 2024 Technical Tuesday Newsletter. Uncover the unparalleled value that CloudBees drives.