CloudBees Newsletter July: Technical Tuesdays

Discover the latest technical content from CloudBees in our Technical Tuesdays series. Stay up to date with the latest advancements and insights in the world of technology.

Technical Tuesday: July 2023 Edition

Welcome to Technical Tuesday, where we will share some buzz-worthy highlights and give you updates on the latest items we have released over the past month! From How to videos, webinars, docs and blogs-checkout what’s happening in the hive at CloudBees.

Hashicorp Vault Plugin

Supported integration with Hashicorp Vault as a new type of credential provider.  Using HashiCorp Vault to manage credentials can be used in CloudBees CI. 

  • This allows credential rotation to be managed in HashiCorp Vault.

  • This could be a requirement from the customer's security team.

  • This integration is fully supported by CloudBees. 

Check out: Using HashiCorp Vault With CloudBees CI video.

Check out Docs

CI: CasC Branch and Tag Support

We are continually adding functionality for our CloudBees CI customers around Configuration as Code (CasC). Based on popular request - this new feature allows more than one branch/tag for CasC bundle repositories. This provides more flexibility in automated workflows for updating CasC bundles and GitOps way of working

New to CasC? Checkout the CasC series on what it is and why to use it! 

Check out Docs

CD/RO: Argo Rollouts

CloudBees CD/RO recently introduced an integration with Argo Rollouts, allowing customers to progressively deliver kubernetes-based applications using blue green and canary deployment strategies. As a result, teams can confidently release features faster while reducing risks, using their existing tools. CloudBees elevates Argo Rollouts through our release orchestration capabilities, which allows us to:

  • Provide real-time visibility into the phased rollout through environment inventory.

  • Traceability into the audit trail–both for promotion and rollback- to adhere to governance

  • Flexibility in tool choiceOpen ecosystem to enable teams to continue using their preferred tooling (flexibility)

  • Enhanced user experience by directly surface rollout manual activities within CD/RO to avoid context switching

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CD/RO: Third-Party Deployer

CloudBees CD/RO provides native capabilities to deploy traditional multi-tier and modern container-based applications.  These deployments are enhanced by our release orchestration capabilities  to provide automated repeatability, process visibility, environment inventory, and analytics. As a result,  there are tremendous benefits in using CloudBees CD/RO for both  CD and RO related tasks. 

However, not all enterprises can standardize on a single deployment solution.  Thus, we strive to support platform engineering teams who are looking to ensure governance standards, while also supporting tool choice across the teams they support.  

Introducing third-party deployer, a recent feature which brings the power of CloudBees CD/RO to all deployment solutions. Whether it’s Ansible Tower, Argo CD, Jenkins, Spinnaker, Octopus Deploy, or another solution, we can support this with enterprise-grade release orchestration benefits. 

Learn How

Brush up on your Jenkins skills!

CloudBees CI is built on Jenkins and targeted for enterprise-sized customers. Whether you are enterprise-sized or not, keep up on those Jenkins skills! Here are a few binge-worthy How-To videos to keep your skill level up.

What Does waitUntil Mean in Jenkins?

What Does warnError Mean in Jenkins

What Is the Build Step in Jenkins?

Can a Jenkins Stage Have Multiple Steps?

Give me more!

Blogs, Webinars, and other buzziness you may have missed this month

Riding the The Forrester Wave™

In the first year of its report, The Forrester Wave™: Integrated Software Delivery Platforms, Q2 2023, CloudBees was recognized as a strong performer, receiving the highest score in the current offering category. Read more about our Platform!

Demystifying Cloud Native

Cloud-native applications provide organizations with greater flexibility, scalability, and efficiency. But what is a cloud-native application? Does it mean throwing all your code away and starting from scratch with new languages, tools, and designs? Or is it about how your application can adjust and adapt to new challenges and opportunities?

All aboard the Release Train!

Release trains are a core capability in the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe). They help you coordinate and synchronize feature delivery into an orderly stream of releases. With them, you release high-quality software predictably, with reduced risks and minimal stress. But keeping those trains running on time isn't easy.

Everything as Code Origin Story

Today’s systems both run code, but are also defined by that same code. Let’s take a little glimpse into the past to understand where “as Code” came from.

Webinar: Deploying to the Cloud

This panelist discussion covers the challenges and solutions surrounding the transition to the cloud, common misconceptions and highlights for cloud-native applications.

Have a question? We are here to help!

Regardless of where you are in the software delivery life cycle, we are happy to chat and offer best practices, advice, and support.