4 DevSecOps Tools to Reduce Complexity and Build a Future-Ready Strategy

Written by: Joy Liuzzo

5 min read

Technology is constantly evolving, and businesses must keep up to stay competitive. Rising infrastructure costs and the complexity of managing IT systems can stifle innovation and burden development teams with ongoing maintenance.

As companies layer cloud infrastructure over legacy systems, tech stacks become increasingly complicated. Lift-and-shift operations can take large teams over a year to complete, wasting time and resources. This focus on maintenance limits innovation and weakens competitive advantage.

What if you could simplify your operations and boost efficiency by standardizing processes? Picture systems that are optimized, ready for the future, and running smoothly without needing constant manual attention.

Here are four key strategies to incorporate resilient DevSecOps tools and set your team up for long-term success:

4 Key DevSecOps Tools for Building a Resilient Strategy

A resilient DevSecOps strategy relies on DevSecOps tools that enable continuous integration, scalable infrastructure, intelligent debugging, and streamlined feature management.

In a recent DevOps World webinar, CloudBees experts Shawn Ahmed, Runxia Ye, Elliott Landon, Harpreet Singh, and Landon Owens explored these core strategies in depth. We’ve outlined the key takeaways below for building a strong DevSecOps foundation.

1. Continuous Integration HA/HS for Uninterrupted DevSecOps Success

One of the biggest challenges in DevSecOps is ensuring continuous software delivery without disruptions, especially during unexpected outages or maintenance. 

High-availability (HA) mode can reduce or eliminate downtime and ensure continuity, keeping your software delivery pipelines running even during unexpected losses and scheduled infrastructure maintenance. This ensures your controller is always running smoothly, so you only experience uninterrupted uptime.

Horizontal scalability (HS) is a technique that distributes the workload among multiple controller replicas, making it possible for the controller to handle large workloads seamlessly. 

CloudBees CI's new High Availability mode offers automatic load balancing, horizontal scalability, and seamless failover to ensure smooth performance and minimize downtime during heavy workloads or controller failures. 

Explore the benefits of HA/HS in revolutionizing your enterprise Jenkins environment.

2. Improving the Debugging Process with Pipeline Explorer

Debugging can feel like a dreaded task, requiring you to find the issue and sift through numerous logs to pinpoint the root cause.

CloudBees Pipeline Explorer makes managing pipelines easier with a user-friendly tool that provides clear visibility into sophisticated frameworks. Pipeline Explorer allows users to:

  • Trace related builds to simplify understanding of the pipeline and easily identify issues.

  • Navigate logs and pipeline states in real time

  • Jump to failed stages or specific errors, reducing log analysis time.

  • Easily share log snippets

  • Enhance cross-team communication and minimize the need for escalations.

Check out this Advanced Pipeline Implementation course available at CloudBees University.

3. Launchable by CloudBees: Using AI for Faster Test Runs and Smarter Test Triaging

The infinity loop implies a smooth process, but dev teams spend up to 25% of their time testing and resolving errors. The flood of signals and results can overwhelm teams, making it hard to manage unnecessary tests, long execution times, and unreliable outcomes, ultimately hindering their ability to deliver high-quality software.

Inefficiencies and waste in the testing process manifest in several ways:

  • Running Tests That Don’t Matter: Many tests may be irrelevant or flaky, consuming valuable time without providing meaningful insights.

  • Unreliable or Unhealthy Tests: Tests that produce inconsistent results can mislead teams and complicate debugging efforts.

  • High Cognitive Load: The mental effort required to sift through large volumes of test results and identify critical issues can be overwhelming.

CloudBees offers a comprehensive solution to alleviate these issues and enhance development. Launchable by CloudBees transforms software testing by using machine learning to identify and prioritize the most impactful tests, significantly shortening test cycles and improving accuracy. 

Early adopters experienced remarkable results, including a 50% reduction in machine hours, a 90% decrease in test execution times, and a 40% cut in build times.

Other benefits include:

  1. Optimize with Machine Learning: Use AI to analyze test data and prioritize valuable tests, enabling quicker feedback and faster iterations.

  2. Filter Away Noise: Remove flaky tests so teams can focus on relevant data.

  3. Analyze and Fix with GenAI: Identify critical issues, allowing teams to address the most significant problems first.

Integrating AI into testing workflows simplifies processes, improves code quality, and speeds up development.

Watch this webinar and learn how to eliminate slow test feedback and slash test run time by up to 80%.

4. Streamline Feature Management to Reduce Tech Debt

Modern software systems often face issues with technical debt due to complex dependencies and the need for frequent rollbacks.

Gradual rollouts can mitigate these issues by limiting change scope and allowing teams to catch potential problems early. However, unmonitored rollouts may lead to hidden tech debt and untracked code. 

Many teams try to solve this by creating their own feature flag systems, but they soon realize that what starts as a simple solution quickly becomes hard to manage as it grows across the organization. Developers are often asked to handle more complex tasks, like customer segmentation, but these in-house solutions can't keep up with the need for greater flexibility and visibility.

CloudBees Feature Management simplifies feature flag management with:

  • Seamless Integration: Connects directly into existing workflows for easier use.

  • Configuration as Code: Allows developers to configure features directly in their code.

  • Compatibility: Easily integrates with tools like GitHub and Bitbucket.

  • Tracking and Rollback: Ensures straightforward tracking and rollback with an audit trail.

  • Advanced Deployment Strategies: Supports A/B testing and canary releases to reduce risk.

  • Faster Iterations: Enables teams to speed up their development cycles.

  • Focus on Quality: Helps developers concentrate on delivering high-quality software efficiently, regardless of the platform.

Watch the demo on Feature Management here.

Simplify Your Development Journey with CloudBees DevSecOps Tools

Managing tech stacks and processes will not get easier—whether it's adapting to hybrid environments, addressing shifting security needs, or integrating various applications. CloudBees is here to help you navigate these complexities with innovative solutions designed to simplify your development processes.

Request a demo today and discover how CloudBees can empower your team to thrive in a complex tech environment!

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