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DevOps Dozen Awards: It’s a nine-peat for CloudBees!

Written by: Heidi Gilmore

3 min read

CloudBees just won our ninth consecutive award in the 2023 DevOps Dozen Awards program! This year, CloudBees was honored with the “Best CI/CD Tool” award for CloudBees CI and CloudBees CD. Further, the Jenkins community won with “Most Innovative DevOps Open Source Project.”

I remember when Techstrong Group (then known as MediaOps) launched the DevOps Dozen program in 2015. Just a couple of years before that, they launched the website we affectionately know as Back then, “DevOps” was a new term and not well understood (it’s still not today, by some!).

The term DevOps originally referred to culture - not tools. It was the melding of development and operations to act as one team. Instead of the finger pointing that was so rampant when deployments went bad - and let’s face it, they frequently did/do (or is it doo-doo?! :) ) - DevOps was a culture of shared goals, no blame, ownership/partnership, teamwork and collaboration.

DevOps quickly evolved into “tools.” Even though DevOps was about culture, every vendor out there wanted to attach their wagon to the DevOps star. DevOps became such a hot trend, that if a vendor in the software development space didn’t offer a “DevOps tool” forget about it. You were out in the cold, not one of the cool kids.

In the very early days of DevOps, Alan Shimel - ever the entrepreneur and seeing an opportunity - launched, a media website that was built to offer up news of the DevOps industry, learning resources, articles and events. In short, a place for DevOps folks to hang out. It quickly became one of the best sources of news about the industry and continues to grow. CloudBees was one of MediaOps’ first customers, which I remember because I worked directly with Alan to promote Jenkins World to his audience (yes, DevOps World was still called Jenkins World back then).

The first DevOps Dozen awards were given in 2015 and they were just what the name says - 12 awards. Starting with the 2020 DevOps Dozen Awards, the program was expanded to be two tracks (Community and Tools/Services) with 12 awards in each track, for a total of 24 awards.

Though we celebrate our company and our products for this honor, it is our employees and our customers who truly deserve this award. We are humbled by the ongoing trust our customers place in CloudBees to extend and scale their enterprise software delivery. Together, we're accelerating software innovation and shaping the future of DevOps. For more information on the DevOps Dozen, read the CloudBees news release.

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