CloudBees Newsletter: Technical Tuesdays

Discover the latest technical content from CloudBees in our Technical Tuesdays series. Stay up to date with the latest advancements and insights in the world of technology.

Technical Tuesday

Welcome to Technical Tuesday, where we will share some buzz-worthy highlights and give you updates on the latest items we have released over the past month!  From How-to videos, webinars, docs, and blogs - check out what’s happening in the hive at CloudBees.

Cost Savings And Business Benefits of Using CloudBees

The Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study, commissioned by CloudBees and conducted by Forrester Consulting, explores the potential return on investment (ROI) customers might achieve by leveraging CloudBees for their CI/CD needs. The following figures are based on actual data gathered from interviews:
- $38.2 million PV (present value) in savings
- $30.9 million NPV (net present value) in savings

And my favorite:
- 99% reduction in lost developer hours due to system outages.

Don’t take my word for it - read the study

Forrester TEI study image

Analyzing CloudBees CI's High Availability: Performance, Bottlenecks, and Conclusions

High Availability keeps services up so you can get your job done. But did you know HA Mode in CloudBees CI also improves your cluster performance? 

Analyzing CloudBees CI's High Availability: Performance, Bottlenecks, and Conclusions

CloudBees CI add-on for Amazon EKS blueprints

Amazon EKS blueprints and CloudBees provide streamlined deployment of robust CI solutions on AWS EKS, leveraging the power of IaC. This solution simplifies the process, adheres to best practices, and significantly accelerates deployment times, allowing developers at any level to excel in their Kubernetes projects, with the latest innovations and intelligent capabilities at their fingertips.

AWS BluePrint

CloudBees Product Portal is open for your feedback!

You’ve read this far (thanks for that), would you go a bit further and share your opinion on CloudBees CI features? We launched a new feedback board ready to handle your thoughts on current CI features, and ideas on what you’d like to see as well!

Feedback goes to the right people who understand Jenkins and CloudBees CI.  We are all eyes.

ci product portal

On Demand Webinar

What’s new in CloudBees CI

Are you looking to expand your understanding of Continuous Integration (CI) and the intricacies of #Jenkins with CloudBees? Check out this webinar led by CloudBees experts Jake Leon (Sr Product Manager), Ian Kurtz (Sales Engineer), and Ray Kivisto (Sr Principal Dev Support Engineer).

Whether you're a seasoned developer, a passionate DevOps professional, or just beginning your technological journey, this panel is designed to cater to all levels of experience.

Feature CI CTA DeBugging

April showers bring May flowers. And brushing up on your Jenkins skills brings answers to questions you may have (these may be useful in interviews)

CloudBees CI is built on Jenkins and targeted for enterprise-sized customers. Whether you are enterprise-sized or not, keep up on those Jenkins skills! Here are a few binge-worthy How-To videos to keep your skill level up.


How to Build a Container Image Using Finch and Jenkins

Learn to build a container image with Finch and Jenkins, starting from reviewing documentation to running different pipelines for a successful setup.


How To Enable the Jenkins Dark Theme

Learn how to enable the Jenkins Dark Theme with steps like reviewing documentation, running pipelines, and more.


How To Configure Jenkins Agent Disk Thresholds

Learn how to set disk thresholds for Jenkins agents efficiently. This tutorial covers modifying global configurations and setting specific configurations for the Built-In Node.


Why Does Jenkins Complai​​n That My Reverse Proxy Setup Is Broken?

Troubleshooting Jenkins reverse proxy setup: Check controller, review documentation, update Jenkins URL to match browser's, resolve URL mismatch.

Read our March Newsletter

Explore the captivating highlights of CloudBees from our February 2024 Technical Tuesday Newsletter. Uncover the unparalleled value that CloudBees drives.